Sending a postcard from Central Asia

Info Shymkent - Postcards from Central Asia and Kazakhstan

You like to write a postcard from Shymkent, Tashkent, Bishkek or another place in Central Asia? We help you with some hints how to send one.

How to get a postcard? How to send a postcard?

You are travelling through Central Asia and you like to write and send a beautiful postcard to your friends, family or company to share your impressions and emotions during your vacation? Then we can already tell you that it is very hard to get to find a shop or store to buy a postcard. The souvenir shops or bazaars not selling postcards like you can experience in other tourist destinations. The most secure way is to go to the tourist information in the big cities – or to have a direct visit of the main post office. But it could happen that they even can’t sell you a postcard. So don’t be unhappy and have a look on our postcard examples below. In the cities of Central Asia you can find many small copy shops that print out photos. You can download the picture of one of our postcards and print them out in one of these copy shops. Write your card and then go to the main post office and get the post stamp for your destination – and you also should sent the postcard as well from this post office. It is very seldom that you can find a small postbox in the streets in Central Asia to sent your postcard or envelope to your loved ones. Another very easy option is to download just one of our postcards and use the app or website myPostcard. You can upload the postcard, write your text, add a sender and pay. myPostcard is printing the postcard for you and they will send it directly from their factory in Europe to your selected destination.

Postcard examples for download

Postcard from Shymkent

Info Shymkent - Postcard from city Shymkent in Kazakhstan (Classic Design)
A postcard template for Shymkent in Kazakhstan.

Postcard from Shymkent and Turkestan region

Info Shymkent - Postcard from city Shymkent in Kazakhstan (Fresh Design)
A postcard template of Shymkent and the nearby places around the city.

Postcard from Central Asia

Info Shymkent - Postcard from Central Asia (Kazakhstan + Uzbekistan + Kyrgyzstan)
A postcard template of Central Asia with pictures from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan & Kyrgyzstan.